Monday Oct 30, 2023
EP.27 - Surrounded by enemies? Juuussst wait...
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Psalm 27 we meet David in a season where he is on the run from Saul.
While he could be complaining and asking God why, we find instead him reaffirming his trust in his Deliverer and he gives us some instruction and insight on what to expect when we follow the One who delights in saving us from every battle.
Monday Oct 23, 2023
EP.26 - Examine me, and look what You’ve done
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Psalm 26 may look like David is bragging a little bit, but the only person David is bragging on is God. So much so that he asks God to examine his motivations, purge anything out that shouldn't be there.
How often to we stop and look at what He has done in us? To give Him glory for the marvelous work He has wrought in us?
When was the last time you asked Him to examine you?
Have you let Him work in you recently?
Monday Oct 16, 2023
EP.25 - Pray ugly, be Reconciled
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Psalm 25 puts us once again in the company of David, who has lessons to teach about how we should pray. How we are reconciled, how we are restored through the integrity and uprightness of God, whose integrity and uprightness is above reproach.
He also admonishes the shame out of our lives and encourages us up to lift up our souls, bare and raw before an almighty God who knows our ugly anyway, and reconciles us in his mercy and grace.
Monday Oct 09, 2023
EP.24 - His Earth, His Victory
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Here we are in Psalm 24! A Psalm of triumph, awe and praise, we find it becomes easy to give glory to the Father when we look at the world through the lens David provides here.
We see that while the earth is His, he is also the Lord of the battle and the victory is His as well. He is Jehovah, He is LORD above all!
Monday Oct 02, 2023
EP.23 - Valley? What Valley?
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Psalm 23 is potentially one of the most well-loved and well-commented on passages in the the Psalms. As we follow the Holy Spirit through the chapter, is there something fresh for us once again? Something we can be renewed by?
God's Word is never without a revitalizing application to our every day life. Join Tom as he discusses joy, the provision of the Shepherd and the way we are cared for so completely that we may ask at the end "Valley? What valley?".
Monday Sep 25, 2023
EP.22 - Pray your way to Praise
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Do we ever feel forsaken? Does God ever feel far from you? Do we struggle at times with feeling like God cares? How do we get to a place of praise when we feel this way?
David penned multiple Psalms in which he felt exactly like this. Is it family, finances, health, spirit that has you feeling forsaken? David shares with us his remedy after sharing his struggle. We can find both in Psalm 22.
Monday Sep 18, 2023
EP.21 - Answered Prayer and Future Blessing
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
David writes a thankful response for the realization of his Psalm for the people to intercede and petition for him in Psalm 21.
Thankfulness, no matter what the answer to our prayers may be can be hard, but in this Psalm we see how we can find joy and thankfulness for the answer of "yes" and the answer of "no".
As we look to the future in the second half of the Psalm, we find even more reason to rejoice and the challenge for us in the first half.
Monday Sep 11, 2023
EP.20 - Intercession and Encouragement
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Psalm 20 takes us to a nation praying for the prayers and requests of their king to be heard. How often do we intercede on the behalf of our brethren?
How often do we think we need to know what to pray for them for? Should we pray for them and that God hear them and help them whether we know the details of their prayers or not? God may provide some answers through his favorite shepherd boy here in this Psalm.
Christian growth is intentional.
That growth comes through the pursuit of godly knowledge. Fortunately, we have a resource provided by God himself that contains all the knowledge necessary for us to grow intentionally in our Christian life. While the path may be dark, it can be illuminated. Through our studies we pray we can be a supplement to that resource to aide in your walk on a Well Lit Path.